Riku // Vocalist // Phantasmagoria
KAWON, HISKAREA, 凛-The End Of Corruption World- , chariots
(This man is hilarious! And I love his voice, singing style, lyrics, his charisma~ XD)
Found V系 on : March 2015
First band : AN CAFE
Favorite bands/artists >>
SUI様 (Metis Gretel, Megaromania, 凛, David)
狂鬼-Kyouki- (Grieva) & グリーヴァ (Grieva)
(believe me I LOVE many more but I won't mention them because if I don't mention one out them many then guilt stings me a bit LOL so only above 4 get the privilege~ Gomen! T^T)
This blog is rather more personal/private use than for public purpose because the layout and format is more suited for archival use than attracting attention of viewers.... V:
But on the unfortunate event of G+ dying T___T shutting down due to reasons we are all aware of, I had to "back up" my 3 YEARS WORTH of work about Visual Kei. It was a beautiful journey of 3+ years on the "J-Rock/Visual Kei" community on G+ as a moderator ~as an avid fan, a self-proclaimed critic and theorist~ and my maniac love for Visual Kei still continues.
I have just shifted my base XD
Obviously EVERYTHING has not been backed up here because it's impossible, and because I used up 2 FULL DAYS to backup things which were both memorable and important for me so I feel both somewhat relieved but also very angsty. I HATE LOOSING MY HARDWORK!! I ended up doing 5 times more in creating this blog.
But heyyy~~ At the least I wouldn't carry any regrets after 2 April 2019. There wouldn't be that hovering feeling of dilemma in my head and tingling feeling of wastage in my stomach now!! XD
This blog will stay forever, it SHOULD ahhhhhhh T^T
I think I should give a bit of an overview?
So the search option is great XD hahaha because if you feel that you will find something you're searching for then look it up~
Important part is the LABELS in my blog, under 8 Labels there are different subheadings which will either contain only 1 band/artist/theme or will contain mannnny things in one blog post (subheading that is).
Also there will be names in my posts here and there so ignore those, because I essentially copy-pasted the writeups from my G+ posts so most of them are in conversation with my friends from the community though some are monologues. (This writeup is new XDDD obviously! LOL) The overall look is very darkly colorful so I'm happy about how it appears on screen huhuhu~
Honestly I don't think that anyone's gonna even chance upon this blog, let alone view it thoroughly or even on the outset! XD But if dear-anyone-you who chances upon this blog and peeks into my experience of Visual Kei then I heartily hope that dear-anyone-you enjoys it and more importantly gains something from it? YAYAYAYAYAY~~
Also many things are thoughts from the past which I kept intact rather than improvising precisely because I am "archiving" my past in its closest form possible, so there are few things I didn't know or recognize then but NOW I surely know and recognize those and hence please don't judge me? XD (Am I becoming demanding? fufufufu)
Some observations from then have changed too so if you feel any discomfort about my blog posts please feel free to leave comments because I will definitely get back to those~
The following are places where I continue to etch on the fabric of my life the stuff of Visual Kei. Do come say hello? OuO/
(Also maybe later I will translate this all into Japanese because oh well there might be some Japanese visitor? :3 For them.)
INSTAGRAM >> [ @visualkei_sublimegaze ] Instagram.com/visualkei_sublimegaze
YOUTUBE >> [IGARASHI YURI] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m-5ZrmoMrl0ueGGN6czIA?view_as=subscriber
(My favorite & liked playlists are such a treasure because it is fully loaded over 3k & 4k videos~ I also refer to these two whenever I need to find back something I suddenly remember and feel like listening~ Also I have other playlists which can be fun :V and dear-anyone-you don't need to subscribe to my channel because I have only uploaded 3 videos but do check these two mentioned playlists for your own pleasure and knowledge~ ^__^/)
BLOGSPOT >> [† VisualKei SublimeGaze †] https://igarashiyuri.blogspot.com/
(Yeah this place itself XD hahaha)
G+ >> [IGARASHI YURI] google.com/+IGARASHIYURIVisual系
(I know it is dead and link will be a fiction but why not! It was the beginning of everything! T__T I still can't believe it's going away....)
Bye~ I will try to post NEW things to this blog if necessary :3 or perhaps will only add into the existing things. Hmm let's see. I wonder if there will be new encounters through this blog? It's very exciting to hope that hahaha~
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