
About Missalina Rei

About Missalina Rei
I found the roots of Oshare Kei 😊

As I had suspected 👇, they have Oshare Kei in them~ Though by late 2000 the term “Oshare Kei"  still wasn't coined yet so labelling the band as an Oshare Kei band will be weird! What made me conclude this is because of the drums (majorly). Oshare Kei has a particular kind of drumming - a constant pounding is always present, maybe it's the pounding done from feet - but that doesn't mean that Oshare Kei doesn't have any other kind of drumplay! XD

If you have listened to them then you'll agree with me that their lyrics are concerned with daily life and love relationships. Plus the way Arisugawa Arisu sang - quirkily and don't forget his famous usagi furitsuke! XD The change was seen in band from their famous song TO KI ME KI, so after this song they leaned towards Oshare Kei but since it wasn't yet coined so they were labelled as your lighter KEY PARTY band. XD

Coming to costume - it's quite lighter than other KEY PARTY bands (compare with for example NéiL) but it's not Oshare yet because even though it's light there's no typical Oshare bubbly-ness in it.

But I'm NOT saying that Missalina Rei ALONE has influenced Oshare Kei at all! There must be so many bands around at that time from where Oshare Kei became Oshare Kei. BTW Missalina Rei disbanded in 2000. And because of all the reasoning above I'll continue to label them ONLY Old school Kei. XD

Please tell me your opinion! Whatever you know or think because that will help me in strengthening my conclusion. Thank you! 😄
#MissalinaRei  #VisualKei  #OldschoolKei

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