
Band // DAS:VASSER (ダスヴァサー)

Band // DAS:VASSER (ダスヴァサー)
Type // Old school Kei
Origin // Osaka (1997-2001) + Tokyo (2001-2002)
Years // 1997.6 - 2002.2.16
Revivals // 2007.12.26, 2009.9.23, 2011.11.26; 2012 - 2013 (one year revival)
Labels // Matina (1998.7-2001.1)
Self-produced (2001-2...)

"DAS:VASSER" means "the water" in German (though slightly misspelled, as it should be "Wasser"), a name that wasn't chosen unintentionally, as Kyouhei explained once. Just like water - always changing its shape, always in motion - the band has been developing both visually and musically further and further, thus creating their very own style.

Through the years they've kept changing their look (from vinyl outfits, long velvet skirts and heavy make-up to suits and much lighter make-up), toning down gradually. Their sound became lighter, too. However, that doesn't mean the band forgot their roots as they managed to put out albums containing both hard ("Matina-style") songs and straight rock songs.
Ichirou and Tarou leaving DAS:VASSER marked a great turn in the band's history.
[Credit of these two paragraphs - http://last.fm]

Members -
響兵 (Kyohei) - Vocals (1997.6 - 2002.2.16, 2012 - 2013)
→ DAS:VASSER → GUICHE → [P:D] → number mouse

秀暁 (Hideaki) - Bass (1997.6 - 2002.2.16, 2012 - 2013)
→ DAS:VASSER → Pink-Tribal → UNDEAD → Insanity Injection, UNDEAD

玖蘭 (Q-la) - Support Guitar (2012 - 2013)→ Eze:quL → KISAKI PROJECT → MASKED RIDER SYSTEM, DAS:VASSER (support) → MASKED RIDER SYSTEM

美景 (Mikage) - Support Drums (2012 - 2013)
→ Eze:quL → Schwardix Marvally (support) → KISAKI PROJECT (support), 妃&関西貴族 → R.E.D., 妃&関西貴族, KISAKI PROJECT (support), 人生ロシアンルーレット → バビロン → HIZAKI grace project → 弐月ノ参拾伍日, HIZAKI grace project → HIZAKI grace project, Juka (support) → VII-Sense → DAS:VASSER (support), dolore (support) → chariots 

Former Members -
AKIRA - Guitar (2001.6 - 2002.2.16) (Roadie)

SHINGO - Drums (2002.1 - 2002.2)
→ meffist → DAS:VASSER → 蜘蛛-kumo-

一狼 (Ichiro) - Guitar (1998.1 - 2001.5.1)
→ DAS:VASSER → babybaby → JILS, ROOM#NUMBER, トウキョウモノクロームカイン → Kαin

汰楼 (Taro) - Drums (1999.10 - 2001.5.1)
→ DAS:VASSER → Waive → Heaven's → THE.LAST

修鈴 (Noburin) - Drums (1998.7 - 1999.9), Support Drums (1997 - 1998)
→ DAS:VASSER → Result of Tear

敦史 (Atsushi) - Guitar (1998.12 - 1999.6)
→ DAS:VASSER → 逸人 (Hayato) - Support Guitar (2012)→ INSANITY FRONTIER → ドメスティック

冬水 (Fuyumi) - Support Guitar (2012)
→ ダヴィル → マディーデュオール → LightSquall → ドメスティック

Get their discography NOW!! XD I mean it!! XD They are really good~ You'll definitely definitely love them~ OuO/ Even though they had revivals in the recent times I'm still gonna tag them old school kei. Enjoy~ ^^
// BTW the pictures here are from their 90s times.

#DAS_VASSER  #VisualKei  #OldschoolKei

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