
Band // 美女♂menZ

Band // 美女♂menZ
Previously known as // 美女♂ Vlossom
Years // 2010 - present

The band concept is beautiful men in girls costume playing rock music.

One of the interesting random finds ♪ Please check them out without any bias okay ☆

From last.fm //
Their activity is based on the concept of "Sensational Unisex Rock."

On October 5th, 2013, their first vocalist Sakurazuka Yakkun (real name: Saito Yasuo) was involved in a traffic accident and died from myocardial rupture. The band is still active, as 美女♂menZ.


Wizard Yakkun - Vocal 
Elf Natsuki - Guitar
Doll Tohru-ch - Syn./ Keyboard
Frosty Iori - Bass

Rui - Drums

First song I heard was their cover of SHAZNA's song Melty Love. Nicely done~
Also they are so cute~ I had to write this up because they are xD

#美女Vlossom #美女menZ #VisualKei

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