
Band // Misty†Chrise

Band // Misty†Chrise
Year // ~2011~

It's said to be a really old band of Bassist Ray (Aliene Ma'riage/ NEGA/ DEAD CHILDREN) but like so many bands unfortunately no info on the band is available.

It had a short few months revival in 2011.
Was reformed as a session band in 2011.

1st info here - http://visualkei.wikia.com/wiki/NEGA

☆ Here it is mentioned in NEGA's discography under category “Demo Tapes (Misty†Chrise)” ☆

2nd info here - http://shattered-tranquility.net/index.php/01/07/one-day-revival-for-metis-gretel/

☆ Here it is mentioned that Misty†Chrise sponsored a Live Event on 20 May 2011 where bands Metis Gretel & Aliene Ma'riage had one day revival. ☆

I don't know. Because I couldn't find any info on the other members from anywhere.
Monochrome Heaven was definitely speaking shit. Anyways.

Bass : Ray
→ Aliene Ma'riage → Ray → Vinett → MIL(support) → NEGA/PERESTROIKA → Dead Children

the one and only one available anywhere

2011.05.06 : 黒い霧に包まれた狂詩曲
[ Song link - https://youtu.be/cTlsfdHa_TA ]

2011.07.27 : マリアと眠る断絶の調べ
[ Song link - https://youtu.be/7D_Xe7_rPKI ]

Enjoy!! Yeah just 2 songs sadly. (ಥ_ಥ)

If anyone finds any info on them or more songs PLEASE LINK HERE IN COMMENTS!!!! Thank you!! Effort is highly appreciated!! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ♥

#MistyChrise #Visualkei #KoteKoteKei

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