
Legendary AN CAFE

Huehuehue~ Nyappy~ o(≧▽≦)o
An Cafe formed in 2003. Though they aren't the first Oshare band but they've been credited with the title and significance of Fathers of Oshare Kei and there's a good reason for it ♥

★ Their music has always been rock with audible bass. From late 2005 they started incorporating Keyboard. Then finally after becoming 5-member band their sound has been rock-pop with the audible bass. ★

★ Their visuals have been the driving force in the entire subgenre of Oshare Kei. They started out with the defining visuals of Oshare Kei - the classic and first Harajuku fashion wave - then later improvised into punk-pop style. Now they've toned down quite a lot indeed, after going major, but they're still fathers XD

I'm not exaggerating but if you compare An Cafe's Oshare visuals with other Oshare bands you'll find no Oshare band has been as Oshare-unique and diverse as An Cafe.

Since Neo Visual bands went animesque, so the contemporary and recent Oshare bands also did. But in An Cafe's history they've NEVER done any animesque visuals and has remained their own way, though they've indeed sung for many anime OSTs ★

A sincere and honest insight of a dedicated Cafekko
#Kanon #Bassist #AnCafe #VisualKei #OshareKei 

[A good compilation of their journey from beginning till their Major debut → https://youtu.be/eJqAhQr_Ajk ]
[YouTube playlist of almost all songs and interviews etc. available here → http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdvrw7t-5ZGLdYgH2ikQjJ6RvgCMHWlb- ]

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