
Band // EX-ANS

Band // EX-ANS
Years // 1987 - 1991 ; 2015 ; 2016-present
Record Label // EXTASY Records
(My post is about 90s time. I'll update soon when I'll listen the 2016 stuff.)

Members //
Vocals : RAY
Guitar : YUKI
Bass : SEIJI
Drums : HARA
(Only active member from 90s is SEIJI. In the current lineup too.)

Le Post-punk band xD

1 single // G.L But! ×××
1 album // Habit Of Sex

Both these compilations are really good. Also I had the benefit of the lyrics of all songs from the album which made everything complete~

RAY (vocals) puts lot of English in the songs, in fact one song (She made no ans) is in English. I love his voice~ and his nice English pronunciation was a prize! XD

The instruments are so good and no song sounds repetitive with respect to instruments. In fact each song has different interesting sound elements so look forward to the surprise~~

Out of 7 songs (in the album) 3 has supernatural themes and rest 4 are human related. I loved the whole album honestly and the way the songs are arranged. From my understanding the album is made of songs about either 1) actual action of sex or 2) any experience that anticipates sex

My most favourites //
1) Abortion - from the name of the song you'll expect the song to be about a woman in dilemma about her unwanted pregnancy. BUT this song is from the perspective of a man who wants “mother's love for her children" ♪ it's such a beautiful and touching song really~ ALSO was my first listen by EX-ANS and RAY.

2) Mysterious - indeed the lady who's longed for is mysterious. The song is very graphic and lusty words are loaded with meaning. Frankly confessional huhuhu~

// She made no ans - this song is really nice and gives a groovy ending to the album but the lyrics didn't make much sense, actually ended up a bit vague, maybe because it's wholly in English? :3

I need to listen to their current lineup too. Because of RAY I chose to start with them but after listening to them I don't think it's just about RAY anymore. It's about EX-ANS now!!! (☆∀☆) PLEASE DO GIVE THEM A LISTEN. YOU CAN DEFINITELY START FROM THIS LINEUP HERE.

#EXANS #PostPunk #ExtasyRecords

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