
About DaDa

Just sharing about DADA out of my own curiosity ⊙▽⊙ // Vocalist // VELVET EDEN

DADA is also an artist and graphic designer
BTW DADA has sung in Russian some of his songs, as far as I remember, LA FIN etc.

INTERVIEW NO. 1 (2012)

● best part was him giving advice to Visual Kei artists :
˝ If you could only play one more song in your life, please consider what kind of song you would want to play and then always keep that one song in mind wherever life takes you.

● funny part was that even though DADA mentioned that Visual Kei & VELVET EDEN are not related still in the next question the interviewer sticks them together and DADA has to deny again. (Wasn't he paying attention?! XD)


INTERVIEW NO. 2 (2010)

● wow didn't know that Diru ~ Shinya had a say in VELVET EDEN. I just knew that DADA has designed shirts and merchandise for Diru.

● hmm some light thrown on rumours about DADA & his fans :
˝  I separated and killed the provoking Dada eight years ago. Dada was still alive because some overseas fans kept thinking of Velvet Eden. The people who love ugly, clumsy Dada are very weak. They think I must be the old Dada or I would not succeed, and they tried to wound me with words. If their hearts are broken, it’s because they’re weak. I want to apologize and the thank all the people who have supported me and still support me now.

( Though here I find a little bit though only a little bit discrepancy about DADA's separation of Visual Kei & VELVET EDEN :3 )


● well it's about DADA's retirement & Kiwamu and his Starwave Records, that how all three of these are ˝ shit ” :3

● I read it till wherever my mobile browser allowed because I wanted to know some of the rumours about Kiwamu's attitude towards fans and his attitude of signing bands in.

● Though I don't trust it all 100% but while reading only 1 thing kept coming back in my mind - in one Starwave video THE SOUND BEE HD bassist You asked the rest three (Jun, Iori, Vetchie) if they like being in Starwave and her response to their response was a ponder - anyways. YOU CAN TOTALLY LEAVE THIS LINK ☆ (for your own good lol)

#DADA #VELVETEDEN #DarkwaveGoth #DarkestLabyrinth #StarwaveRecords

DaDa-san is back!!!! 😁😁

Please check out this New Gothic Clothing Brand - http://komachijapan.com/ They have so beautiful designs. And the whole page is in English!!

It's a brand called KOMACHI2266531DarkLolita and the designs are by Japanese Goth artist DaDa who was formerly vocalist of the band VELVET EDEN.

They will be representing in Anime Expo 2016 in L.A. Those who can please go visit them!!

Here's the official Instagram of the brand - https://www.instagram.com/komachi2266531/

Official FB of the brand - https://m.facebook.com/KOMACHI2266531DarkLolita-872672269533442/

Official Twiiter of DaDa - https://twitter.com/DaDapantherpink?s=09

Please do check the page!! (((´♡‿♡`+)))。 Thank you!! 💟

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